T H WHITE’s impressive line-up of equipment suppliers means you can find everything you need for the winter bedding and silage season in one place.
Kuhn’s Primor straw blowers and feeders set the benchmark in straw blowing quality and are designed to be easy to load with a high capacity, cutting down on the unproductive time spent travelling to and fro between fodder stocks and troughs. Kuhn is also a leader in TMR mixers; whether you are mixing 100% hay or 100% grain, KUHN has a mixer to fit virtually every customers’ needs.
Schuitemaker’s Feedo is widely regarded as one of the leading trailed forage feeders used to mix and dispense many types of feed. The special feed distribution rollers ensure that the feed is dispensed evenly and without loss of structure. The feeder wagon can discharge from either side or the front or back, as required; the choice is yours.
What’s more, our service workshops are on hand to make sure your equipment keeps running around the clock.