Breaking News: Palfinger reappoints T H WHITE as Hook & Skiploader distributor
November 7, 2016

Division: Lorry Cranes
With effect from November 2016 T H WHITE will again become the National Distributor for Palfinger Hook and Skip loaders. With the recent improvements in product quality and capability, Palfinger has taken the decision to bring the product range back to T H WHITE.
The exciting new opportunity offers the synergy of Palfinger and Epsilon crane models combined with complete vehicle body solutions. And the timing is perfect too as T H WHITE has just doubled production capacity at its Devizes premises with extended workshop facilities including an integral paint shop.
T H WHITE has been fitting lorry cranes since 1974 and partnered with Palfinger in 1990. Over the past 40 years, the company has gained an enviable reputation for customer care – in the main due to their impeccable after-sales proposition of emergency roadside breakdown cover, first-class maintenance and servicing, and a complete range of in-house parts and accessories. Servicing and repairs are delivered through a network of ALLMI-accredited mobile engineers ensuring equipment stays compliant and breakdowns result in minimal down time to businesses.
Commenting on the news, Mark Rigby, T H WHITE Crane Division Director said, “I am absolutely delighted to support our key supplier and provide these premium products into the Hook and Skip loader market once again”.
T H WHITE appoints two new Area Sales Manager to support this new venture – Steve Bretherton will manage the North and Mike Connolly, the South of England & Wales.
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