What is DelPro FarmManager™?
DelPro is a farm management platform piece of software that interrogates information for dairy farmers. You need different hardware to make different areas of the DelPro platform work. Different sensors send data to DelPro and the DelPro software interprets the data into a readable format for the farmer. DelPro is designed to suit the needs of the farmer, with some using it for a single aspect, others for multiple aspects.
The DelPro platform monitors your herd’s complete well-being 24-hours a day, bringing together all the data needed to make key decisions relating to performance, feeding, health, milking and reproduction. It pulls these sources together, processes and interprets them creating reports to help dairy farmers do their jobs.
What are the 5 Key pillars of DelPro?
- MILK DATA – Every task, action or plan is measured by the quality and quantity of milk.
- FEED DATA – Feed represents a large proportion of the cost to produce milk. DeLaval DelPro ration control helps to produce more with less.
- REPRODUCTION DATA – The success of a dairy farmer relies on a successful breeding program starting with identification of animals in heat
- ANIMAL WELFARE DATA – The sooner you can diagnose and treat a health issue, the speedier the recovery and less severe the impact on productivity
- FARM PERFORMANCE DATA – Generating more with less is every business’s challenge. DelPro gives you access to reports and analysis to make informed decisions that help meet this challenge.
What formats is DelPro available in?
DelPro can be viewed on your office PC or is available as an app on your phone. DelPro FarmManager is the desktop dashboard viewed on your PC, whilst the DelPro Companion app puts DelPro in the palm of your hand and enables the farmer to access his data from almost anywhere in the world.
What applications are within the DelPro offering and what specifically do they do?
- DelPro Interative Data Display – giving you real time yield data
- DelPro Remote Farm Connection – facilitates remote login to DelPro Farm Manager for you giving on-the-go secure access from anywhere. But most importantly this also provides remote access to veterinarians, advisors, and your dealer support network. This means the T H WHITE and DeLaval remote support teams can instantly access, view and analyse your farm to get a complete overview of your data and milking system to support you when required.
- DelPro Biomodels – alert and management systems for specific productivity factors:
- DelPro Biomodel for Herd Navigator – precise analysis of milk and action plan for each cow (available with RePro)
- DelPro Biomodel for Mastitis Detection Index (MDi) – early warning alarms for mastitis detection allowing the customer to take action.
- DelPro Biomodel for Body Condition Scoring – 3D mapping technology and scoring system that eliminates the guesswork and inaccuracy of manual evaluation of a cow’s body condition.
- DelPro Activity meters are the heat monitoring system that records daily movements, can detect animals that are sick with low activity, and links all of the above.
DelPro RePro (only available with VMS) detects ‘onset of heat’ and pregnancy status through analysis of data and progesterone levels. Using Delpro RePro, you can also detect animals that are showing abnormal reproduction attentions; prolonged anoestrus, potential luteal and follicular cysts.
Can the above applications be acquired independently?
All the above applications work together with DelPro platform but a customer can purchase any one of the above sensors to support their dairy farm management practices.
What are the key benefits of DelPro?
- Animal Welfare – early identification of an animal’s ill health and information on what to do to remedy it
- Food Safety – ration control throughout stages of lactation
- Profitability – closer focus on animal health driving productivity through efficient feeding combined with reproduction goal management to achieve expected yields.
- Efficient Working – allows management of workflows, data analysis and intuitive monitoring of your VMS/parlour to drive efficient performance
Which milking systems is DelPro compatible with?
DelPro can be installed on all types of parlours, rotaries and VMS milking systems that have DeLaval milking equipment. DelPro Start Up training packages can be included in the price list for your new Start up. If you would like to receive training on DelPro please contact T H WHITE Dairy and we can discuss the options available to you. For all customers still using the ALPRO platform, please note that ALPRO is no longer supported and we recommend upgrading to DelPro. Please call our Dairy Hub on 07860 449086 to discuss your specific needs.
Can DelPro be retrofitted?
So long as the parlour meets certain criteria DelPro can be retrofitted. Again, this is a question for our Dairy Specialists to help you work through, so please call our Hub if you are interested in an upgrade or retro fit.
How quickly can I see the benefit of using DelPro?
Once your DelPro platform has been installed, you will start seeing information within a week. The system takes a few days to collaborate data and form a pattern of the cow at which point you’ll realise the benefits.
Who do I contact to find out more information about DelPro?
Talk to our T H WHITE’s Dairy specialists today who will be happy to talk you through the full capabilities of the system and progress a personalised quotation for your needs.
Adding the power of DelPro Farm Management platform will deliver ultimate reproduction management support for your farm. T H WHITE Dairy and Delaval have been working in partnership for years to recognise the challenges dairy farmers face and DelPro offers a farm management solution to cater for just about any productivity goal.